The service was held at St. Mark’s Cathedral in Cairo and was lead by H.E. Metropolitan Pachomious and attended by H.G. Bishop Missael amoung other members of the Holy Synod. The Diocese formally announces that His Grace will lead a memorial service at St. Mark & St. Mark’s Coptic Centre on Saturday 5th May …
. Church Resurrection feast hymns on DeaconTube
The first annual PHEW (Prepare for a Holy Empowering Week) activity day for Sunday School took place in March and was hosted by St. Mary & St. George’s Church in Nottingham. The day gave the children a panoramic view and understanding of the Holy Pascha Week so that they can benefit more from it. It …
The Funeral for His Holiness Pope Shenouda III was held at St. Mark’s Cathedral in Cairo. The service was lead by the locum tenens, H.E. Metroplolitan Pachomious, and was attended by His Grace Bishop Missael, representatives from the government, all major Christian denominations and other officals. The burial at the monastery of St. Bishoy followed afterwards.