“Which mercy we find not indeed by our own seeking, but God from on high has appeared to us, as it follows; Whereby (i.e. by His tender mercy) the day-spring from on high (that is, Christ) has visited us, taking upon Him our flesh.” St John Chrysostom #HappyNewYear #NewBeginning #GodsMercy #Lightindarkness #Peace #Joy #NewYearsEve #BirthofStJohntheBaptist #ChristcametogiveusLife #Kiahk #SundayGospel #dailyeadings #coptic #orthodox
“Which mercy we find not indeed by our own seeking, but God from on high has appeared to us, as it follows; Whereby (i.e. by His tender mercy) the day-spring from on high (that is, Christ) has visited us, taking upon Him our flesh.”
St John Chrysostom
#HappyNewYear #NewBeginning #GodsMercy #Lightindarkness #Peace #Joy #NewYearsEve #BirthofStJohntheBaptist #ChristcametogiveusLife #Kiahk #SundayGospel #dailyeadings #coptic #orthodox