Peacefulness, humility and the tranquility of a life well lived is a appropriate for all Christians, according to the word of Lord. He regards only those who are “poor and of a contrite spirit, and who tremble” at His word… (A Christian’s) character should provoke everyone to imitate your life and conduct… Your good works are indeed, the greatest part of you. They are improved by the honour of confession itself; guard and preserve your confessions by peaceful and virtuous lives. ~ St Cyprian #christian #dailyreading #Honour #coptic #copticorthodox #newyear
Peacefulness, humility and the tranquility of a life well lived is a appropriate for all Christians, according to the word of Lord. He regards only those who are “poor and of a contrite spirit, and who tremble” at His word… (A Christian’s) character should provoke everyone to imitate your life and conduct… Your good works are indeed, the greatest part of you. They are improved by the honour of confession itself; guard and preserve your confessions by peaceful and virtuous lives. ~ St Cyprian
#christian #dailyreading #Honour #coptic #copticorthodox #newyear