“The narrow way neither do all find, nor when they have found it, do they straightway walk therein. Many, after they have found the way of truth, caught by the pleasures of the world, desert midway.” . – St Jerome . . . #TheNarrowGate #NarrowGate #WayToLife #TheWayToLife #GoTheExtraMile #GodlyWisdom #GodIsGood #GodIsGoodAllTheTime #AllTheTimeGodIsGood #DelightInGod #Coptic #Orthodox #DailyReadings #ChurchFathers
“The narrow way neither do all find, nor when they have found it, do they straightway walk therein. Many, after they have found the way of truth, caught by the pleasures of the world, desert midway.”
– St Jerome
#TheNarrowGate #NarrowGate #WayToLife #TheWayToLife #GoTheExtraMile #GodlyWisdom #GodIsGood #GodIsGoodAllTheTime #AllTheTimeGodIsGood #DelightInGod #Coptic #Orthodox #DailyReadings #ChurchFathers