Category: News

Ordinations in Birmingham 22nd November 2015

With great joy, the Diocese announces three ordinations by the laying of hands by His Grace Bishop Missael which took place on Sunday 22nd November 2015 at the Coptic Centre. Fr. John was ordained as a hegumen by His Grace Bishop Missael; Fr. John has served the Church of St. Mary & St. Abaskhyroun in …

Shroud of Turin Trip 2015

Our diocese held a trip to Italy from the 19th to the 21st of June 2015. On the first day we were so blessed to have the opportunity to visit the Shroud of the Lord in Turin, before visiting our Coptic monastery in Milan with HG Bishop Kyrillos. We spent the next day in Venice, …

Apologetics Conference 2015: The Problem of Suffering

Our diocese’s second Apologetics seminar was held at St. Mary and Archangel Michael in Solihull on the 28th of March 2015. The theme of this seminar was “Pain and Suffering” in preparation for our Lord’s Holy Passion Week that is celebrated 4-12 of April. The seminar started off with an introductory talk about how an Almighty …