Category: News

Press Release Regarding the Bombimg

The Pariarchate has issued the following statement: One of our ancient churches, St. Peter’s church of Al Abbaseya in Cairo, suffered a cowardly and despicable terrorist attack on the morning of Sunday December 11, 2016. This led to the martyrdom and injury of many.

Coptic Hymns Concert 2016

We were very happy and blessed that George Kirollos and his team performed hymns for us on the 29th October 2016 with members of the congregations from across the diocese.  This was a truly unique concert in that David Ensemble not only performed for us but also trained our own to perform with them. This …

“Understanding The Liturgy” Festival 2016

We were very blessed to serve alongside Peter, Monika, Maha and Edward (David Ensemble members) to explain the richness of our Coptic liturgy to our angels in primary school. This was a unique experience for us and the kids. The retreat included diverse talks and lots of fun games and activities. The talks involved topics …