“Be firm inside, steadfast in your faith, then nothing from outside will shake you.” – His Holiness Pope Shenouda III . . #dailyreadings #copticorthodox #orthodoxy #faith #test
‘ ‘ It is what you must expect and be ready to receive with patience, and even with joy, when you suffer as Christ did before you, and for his sake: this is the way to eternal happiness in heaven.’ – George Leo Haydock #orthodoxy #churchfathers #church #coptic
Those enemies wounded St Paul with stones: there is a wounding with words, even worse than stones. What then must we do? The same that he did: he did not hate those who cast stones at him, but after they had dragged him out, he entered again into their city, to be a benefactor to …
The Holy Spirit: ”“The Spirit searches all things” (1 Cor. 2.10), ”He will teach you all things” (John 14.26), “He blows where (He) wishes, and where (He) goes” (John 3.8), “Guides” (Ps. 142), “Speaks” (Acts 13.2), “Sends” (Acts 13.4), “Separates” (Acts 13.2), … “Inspires” (John 16), “Brings to remembrance” 1 Lect. Catech. 16.13-14. 2 Cf. …
He is called Jesus: Sometimes He calls Himself a shepherd, and says, “I am the good Shepherd.”. -and with benevolence, for He alone gave Himself a sacrifice for us: “For the good Shepherd giveth His life for the sheep; “. As then we say that it belongs to the shepherd’s art to care for the …