Those enemies wounded St Paul with stones: there is a wounding with words, even worse than stones. What then must we do? The same that he did: he did not hate those who cast stones at him, but after they had dragged him out, he entered again into their city, to be a benefactor to those who had done him such wrongs. If you also endure him who harshly insults you, and has done you wrongs, then you have too been stoned. Do not say, “I have done him no injury.” For what injury had Paul done, that he should be stoned? He was announcing a Kingdom, he was bringing men away from error, and “In the very city in which they received this reverence, in the same were they thus terribly ill treated” -St. John Chrysostom . . #dailyreadings #copticorthodox #orthodoxy #loveyourenemies
Those enemies wounded St Paul with stones: there is a wounding with words, even worse than stones. What then must we do? The same that he did: he did not hate those who cast stones at him, but after they had dragged him out, he entered again into their city, to be a benefactor to those who had done him such wrongs. If you also endure him who harshly insults you, and has done you wrongs, then you have too been stoned. Do not say, “I have done him no injury.” For what injury had Paul done, that he should be stoned? He was announcing a Kingdom, he was bringing men away from error, and “In the very city in which they received this reverence, in the same were they thus terribly ill treated”
-St. John Chrysostom
#dailyreadings #copticorthodox #orthodoxy #loveyourenemies