I feel You are watching over me as if You have forgotten the whole creation- St Augustine . . #dailyreadings #copticorthodox #orthodoxy you are always on #Godsmind #Godlovesyou
You can not say that any righteous man is without affliction: even if he appear to be so, yet we know not his other afflictions. So that of necessity every righteous man must pass through affliction. For it is a declaration of Christ, that the wide and broad way leads to destruction, but the strait …
“Which is better? To enter the battle of chastisement for a short period of time and get wearied from carrying the heavy burdens of our equipment of war as weapons, then rejoice for we became victorious, or remain as slaves of sin forever because we did not endure for one hour?” ~ St. Jerome “Those …
What, I ask, is more wonderful than the beauty of God? What thought is more pleasing and wonderful than God’s majesty? What desire is as urgent and overpowering as the desire implanted by God in a soul that is completely purified of sin and cries out in its love: I am wounded by love? The …
Perhaps according to the scale of human beings you are lost, but according to the scale of God you are a wonderful human being – H.H Pope Shenouda lll . . #Godlovesyou #itdoesntmatterwhatpeoplethink #wepleaseGod #notman #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodoxy #orthodox