You can not say that any righteous man is without affliction: even if he appear to be so, yet we know not his other afflictions. So that of necessity every righteous man must pass through affliction. For it is a declaration of Christ, that the wide and broad way leads to destruction, but the strait and narrow one to life. If then it is possible to enter into life by that means, and is not by any other, then all have entered in by the narrow [way], as many as have departed unto life. – John Chrysostom . . . #GodLovesYou #TrustGod #GodIsGood #GodIsGoodAllTheTime #AllTheTimeGodIsGood #DelightInGod #Coptic #Orthodox #DailyReadings #ChurchFathers
You can not say that any righteous man is without affliction: even if he appear to be so, yet we know not his other afflictions. So that of necessity every righteous man must pass through affliction. For it is a declaration of Christ, that the wide and broad way leads to destruction, but the strait and narrow one to life. If then it is possible to enter into life by that means, and is not by any other, then all have entered in by the narrow [way], as many as have departed unto life.
– John Chrysostom
#GodLovesYou #TrustGod #GodIsGood #GodIsGoodAllTheTime #AllTheTimeGodIsGood #DelightInGod #Coptic #Orthodox #DailyReadings #ChurchFathers