“Good is my Maker; He is my good, and I rejoice before Him in the good things that He has given me.” – St. Augustine #coptic #orthodox #dailyreadings #joy #patience #godisgood
“The narrow way neither do all find, nor when they have found it, do they straightway walk therein. Many, after they have found the way of truth, caught by the pleasures of the world, desert midway.” . – St Jerome . . . #TheNarrowGate #NarrowGate #WayToLife #TheWayToLife #GoTheExtraMile #GodlyWisdom #GodIsGood #GodIsGoodAllTheTime #AllTheTimeGodIsGood #DelightInGod #Coptic #Orthodox …
“Do you grasp the excellence of a Christian disposition? After you give your coat and your cloak, even if your enemy should wish to subject your naked body to hardships and labors, not even then, Jesus says, must you forbid him. For He would have us possess all things in common, both our bodies and …