“Note the Lord’s compassion! For the sake of one soul, He revealed Himself carrying His wounds. He came to save each one personally.” St John Chrysostom #Believe #Faith #StThomas #Resurrection #HolyFifty #HeisRisen #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
“The whole is from him, the giving both of these things and of those; for no achievement finds its source in us…. Not then so as to deliver man from darkness only did he show his love toward him. It is a great thing indeed to have been delivered from darkness; but to have been …
Since God is Love, what else do we have to be afraid of? God is the God of Providence: everything that happens is either because God permitted it to happen or God made it to happen, but all because God is Love. Everything that happens to us is because God loves us, and all happen …
“He died, but He vanquished death; in Himself He put an end to what we feared; He took it upon Himself and He vanquished it, as a mighty hunter He captured and slew the lion.” St Augustine #resurrection #aliveinChrist #HolyFifty #deadtosin #coptic #orthodox #dailyreadings #KhristosAnesti #AlithosAnesti
Death is an intruder into humanity. When God created man, He created him for life. He breathed in his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. God willed life and immortality for man. But when man’s freedom deviated towards sin, he brought death upon himself, because ‘the wages of sin is …