“It is not necessary to roam heaven and earth after God or to send our mind to seek Him in different places. Purify your soul, O son of man, remove from yourself the thought of memories outside of nature; hang the veil of chastity and humility before your impulses. By means of these you will be able to find Him who is within you.” Saint Isaac the Syrian #KingdomofGod #nearyou #athand #withinyou #inyourheart #ApostlesFast #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
“It is not necessary to roam heaven and earth after God or to send our mind to seek Him in different places. Purify your soul, O son of man, remove from yourself the thought of memories outside of nature; hang the veil of chastity and humility before your impulses. By means of these you will be able to find Him who is within you.”
Saint Isaac the Syrian
#KingdomofGod #nearyou #athand #withinyou #inyourheart #ApostlesFast #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox