“God does not leave men forever either in unhappiness, so that they would not grow weak, or in happiness, so that they would not become careless; but by various means He arranges their salvation.” – St. John Chrysostom #fasting #wordoftheday #dailyreading #faith #coptic #copticorthodox #christianity
“If sin is not taken away from you , hope of forgiveness must not be taken away from you“ – St Augustine . . #dailyreadings #copticorthodox #orthodoxy #hecameforthesick
“Be firm inside, steadfast in your faith, then nothing from outside will shake you.” – His Holiness Pope Shenouda III . . #dailyreadings #copticorthodox #orthodoxy #faith #test
Those enemies wounded St Paul with stones: there is a wounding with words, even worse than stones. What then must we do? The same that he did: he did not hate those who cast stones at him, but after they had dragged him out, he entered again into their city, to be a benefactor to …
“God’s face is set always towards forgiveness. He pours over us his immense grace that, like the ocean, knows no measure.” – St. Isaac the Syrian #dailyreading #bible #coptic #copticorthodox #apostlesfast #holyspirit #christianity