A most excellent thing is faith, when it is produced from an ardent mind; and it has such great power that not only is the believer healed, but in fact others also have been healed besides them that believed; as the paralytic let down [through the tiles] at Capernaum, by the faith of those who …
‘When once you have put your hand to the plough, you must not look back. When once you stand on the housetop, you must think no more of your clothes within. To escape your Egyptian mistress, you must abandon the cloak that belongs to this world. Even Elijah, in his quick translation to heaven could …
You can not say that any righteous man is without affliction: even if he appear to be so, yet we know not his other afflictions. So that of necessity every righteous man must pass through affliction. For it is a declaration of Christ, that the wide and broad way leads to destruction, but the strait …
Take the kingdom of heaven by force – St Anthony the great #orthodoxy #Coptic #Coptic orthodox #churchfathers #christian
‘And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord Thus ought the virgin, who brought forth meekness and humility itself, to show forth an example of the most profound humility.’ – St. Ambrose #coptic #orthodox #churchfathers #godislove #ukmidcopts #theotokos