Tag: birthofstjohnthebaptist

“Which mercy we find not indeed by our own seeking, but God from on high has appeared to us, as it follows; Whereby (i.e. by His tender mercy) the day-spring from on high (that is, Christ) has visited us, taking upon Him our flesh.” St John Chrysostom #HappyNewYear #NewBeginning #GodsMercy #Lightindarkness #Peace #Joy #NewYearsEve #BirthofStJohntheBaptist #ChristcametogiveusLife #Kiahk #SundayGospel #dailyeadings #coptic #orthodox

“Which mercy we find not indeed by our own seeking, but God from on high has appeared to us, as it follows; Whereby (i.e. by His tender mercy) the day-spring from on high (that is, Christ) has visited us, taking upon Him our flesh.” St John Chrysostom #HappyNewYear #NewBeginning #GodsMercy #Lightindarkness #Peace #Joy #NewYearsEve #BirthofStJohntheBaptist …

“Christ is the mercy and the justice, because through Him we have obtained mercy, and have become justified by wiping out our sins because of our faith in Him”. St Cyril the Great #birthofStJohntheBaptist #TheForerunner #salvation #TheIncarnation #kiahk #fastoftheNativity #Advent #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox

“Christ is the mercy and the justice, because through Him we have obtained mercy, and have become justified by wiping out our sins because of our faith in Him”. St Cyril the Great #birthofStJohntheBaptist #TheForerunner #salvation #TheIncarnation #kiahk #fastoftheNativity #Advent #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox