“Who can hurt such a man? Who can subdue him? In prosperity he makes moral progress, and in adversity he learns to know the progress he has made. When he has an abundance of mutable goods he does not put his trust in them, and when they are taken away he gets to know whether or not they have taken him captive.” – St. Augustine #hope #hopedoesnotdisappoint #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
“Who can hurt such a man? Who can subdue him? In prosperity he makes moral progress, and in adversity he learns to know the progress he has made. When he has an abundance of mutable goods he does not put his trust in them, and when they are taken away he gets to know whether or not they have taken him captive.” – St. Augustine
#hope #hopedoesnotdisappoint #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox