“Which is better? To enter the battle of chastisement for a short period of time and get wearied from carrying the heavy burdens of our equipment of war as weapons then rejoice for we became victorious or remain as slaves of sin forever because we did not endure for one hour?” St. Jerome “Those who drink the bitter medicine first have to drink it unwillingly but they feel comfortable after that… You suffer now thus is chastening… Every chastening seems to be for sorrow

“Which is better? To enter the battle of chastisement for a short period of time and get wearied from carrying the heavy burdens of our equipment of war as weapons then rejoice for we became victorious or remain as slaves of sin forever because we did not endure for one hour?” St. Jerome “Those who drink the bitter medicine first have to drink it unwillingly but they feel comfortable after that… You suffer now thus is chastening… Every chastening seems to be for sorrow
