“They failed to learn self-control. They had already received the commandment: ―You shall not murder. They had already had been commanded to abstain from countless other offenses. They had already been urged by many and various means to keep these commandments. Yet, for all that, they did not put aside their evil ways. What did they say when they saw him? ―Come, let us kill him. With what motive and for what reason? What possible charge could they lay against him, either small or great? Is it that he honored you, and being God became a human being for your sakes and worked his countless miracles? Or that he pardoned your sins? Or that he called you into a kingdom?” ~ St. John Chrysostom #vinedressers #sacrifice #TheSon #Christdiedforus #HeWasCrucifiedForUs#dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
“They failed to learn self-control. They had already received the commandment: ―You shall not murder. They had already had been commanded to abstain from countless other offenses. They had already been urged by many and various means to keep these commandments.
Yet, for all that, they did not put aside their evil ways. What did they say when they saw him? ―Come, let us kill him. With what motive and for what reason? What possible charge could they lay against him, either small or great? Is it that he honored you, and being God became a human being for your sakes and worked his countless miracles? Or that he pardoned your sins? Or that he called you into a kingdom?” ~ St. John Chrysostom
#vinedressers #sacrifice #TheSon #Christdiedforus #HeWasCrucifiedForUs#dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox