“The peace of God,” which he imparted to us, “passes all understanding.” For who could have expected and who could have hoped for such benefits? It transcends every human intellect and all speech. For His enemies, for those who hated Him, for the apostates—for all these He did not refuse to give His only begotten Son, so as to make peace with them…. The peace which will preserve us is the one of which Christ says, “My peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.” For this “peace passes all human understanding.” How? When we should be at peace with enemies, with the unrighteous, with those who display contentiousness and hostility toward us, how does this not pass human understanding?” St John Chrysostom #peace #ofGod #surpassesallunderstanding #notastheworldgives #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
“The peace of God,” which he imparted to us, “passes all understanding.” For who could have expected and who could have hoped for such benefits? It transcends every human intellect and all speech. For His enemies, for those who hated Him, for the apostates—for all these He did not refuse to give His only begotten Son, so as to make peace with them…. The peace which will preserve us is the one of which Christ says, “My peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.” For this “peace passes all human understanding.” How? When we should be at peace with enemies, with the unrighteous, with those who display contentiousness and hostility toward us, how does this not pass human understanding?”
St John Chrysostom
#peace #ofGod #surpassesallunderstanding #notastheworldgives #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox