The Christian faith is like a mustard seed that appears at first sight to be insignificant and weak. Its true strength and outer activity do not appear except when various temptations start to attack it. Then its fiery faith in the Lord starts to breathe and a kind of divine love starts to provoke not to be flared alone but to flare every thing around. -St. Ambrose . . #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodoxy #faith is a #giftfromGod #sympathises #compassionate when we feel #weakinfaith and #tempted #

The Christian faith is like a mustard seed that appears at first sight to be insignificant and weak. Its true strength and outer activity do not appear except when various temptations start to attack it. Then its fiery faith in the Lord starts to breathe and a kind of divine love starts to provoke not to be flared alone but to flare every thing around. -St. Ambrose . . #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodoxy #faith is a #giftfromGod #sympathises #compassionate when we feel #weakinfaith and #tempted #
