“Provide yourself with this means of seeing God. Let me speak concretely: Why would you, while your eyes are bleary, desire to see a sunrise? Let the eyes be sound, and that light will be full of joy. If your eyes are blind, that light itself will be a torment. Unless your heart is pure, you will not be permitted to see what cannot be seen unless the heart be pure.” – St. Augustine #pure #purity #pureinheart #seeGod #blessedaretgepureinheartfortheyshallseeGod #beatitudes #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
“Provide yourself with this means of seeing God. Let me speak concretely: Why would you, while your eyes are bleary, desire to see a sunrise? Let the eyes be sound, and that light will be full of joy. If your eyes are blind, that light itself will be a torment. Unless your heart is pure, you will not be permitted to see what cannot be seen unless the heart be pure.” – St. Augustine
#pure #purity #pureinheart #seeGod #blessedaretgepureinheartfortheyshallseeGod #beatitudes #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox