Man is very harsh in his dealings. We sometimes become easily angry with our friends and from the least behaviour cut our relation with them, forgetting the former love between us. We become intolerant quickly and cannot endure. One action from people makes us unjustly judge their whole life and not change our minds. But God is not so. He does not forsake His beloved quickly no matter how much they err. H.H Pope Shenouda lll #coptic #orthodox #dailyreadings #ourLord #patient #longsuffering #enduresall #slowtoanger #lovingkindness #gracious #merciful #tojonah #totheninevites #tothegentilemariners and #tous let us #strive to #imitatehim #jonahsfast
Man is very harsh in his dealings. We sometimes become easily angry with our friends and from the least behaviour cut our relation with them, forgetting the former love between us. We become intolerant quickly and cannot endure. One action from people makes us unjustly judge their whole life and not change our minds.
But God is not so. He does not forsake His beloved quickly no matter how much they err.
H.H Pope Shenouda lll
#coptic #orthodox #dailyreadings #ourLord #patient #longsuffering #enduresall #slowtoanger #lovingkindness #gracious #merciful #tojonah #totheninevites #tothegentilemariners and #tous let us #strive to #imitatehim #jonahsfast