“Let us offer our thanks that Jesus has a real body and a real soul. For, if the Lord had not taken the human nature in its totality, humanity would not have been saved. If He had taken the physical form only, with no soul, He would have saved the body, without the soul, though we need the salvation of the soul more than we do that of the body. He has taken the body and the soul together so as to save them, to save the entire man just as He had created him.” St. Jerome. #Gesthemane #ThyWillbedone #watchandpray #FridayEve #HolyWeek #HolyPascha #dailyreadings #Coptic #Orthodox
“Let us offer our thanks that Jesus has a real body and a real soul. For, if the Lord had not taken the human nature in its totality, humanity would not have been saved. If He had taken the physical form only, with no soul, He would have saved the body, without the soul, though we need the salvation of the soul more than we do that of the body. He has taken the body and the soul together so as to save them, to save the entire man just as He had created him.”
St. Jerome.
#Gesthemane #ThyWillbedone #watchandpray #FridayEve #HolyWeek #HolyPascha #dailyreadings #Coptic #Orthodox