“Let it be known to people everywhere that the Lord is God, and even though he appeared in a form like us, yet has he given us the indications of a godlike power and majesty on many occasions and in a multitude of ways. He drove away diseases and rebuked unclean spirits. He gave the blind their sight. Finally, he even expelled death itself from the bodies of men, death that cruelly and mercilessly had tyrannized humankind from Adam even to Moses, according to the expression of the divine Paul. That widow’s son at Nain arose unexpectedly and wonderfully.” Cyril of Alexandria #AlmightyGod #nothingisimpossiblewithGod #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
“Let it be known to people everywhere that the Lord is God, and even though he appeared in a form like us, yet has he given us the indications of a godlike power and majesty on many occasions and in a multitude of ways. He drove away diseases and rebuked unclean spirits. He gave the blind their sight. Finally, he even expelled death itself from the bodies of men, death that cruelly and mercilessly had tyrannized humankind from Adam even to Moses, according to the expression of the divine Paul. That widow’s son at Nain arose unexpectedly and wonderfully.”
Cyril of Alexandria
#AlmightyGod #nothingisimpossiblewithGod #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox