If Christ had promised you this world’s goods, by all means be angry at an unbeliever doing well for himself. What did he promise you? Eternal happiness when the dead rise again, and in this life his own lot. I repeat, the road he took; and do you, a servant, a disciple, despise what your master underwent? You have heard that a servant is not greater than his Lord. For you he suffered what he, the righteous one, did not deserve. What do you, a sinner, deserve? St Augustine . . #trials #tribulations #followingourLordssteps #dailyreadings #copticorthodox #orthodoxy
If Christ had promised you this world’s goods, by all means be angry at an unbeliever doing well for himself. What did he promise you? Eternal happiness when the dead rise again, and in this life his own lot. I repeat, the road he took; and do you, a servant, a disciple, despise what your master underwent? You have heard that a servant is not greater than his Lord. For you he suffered what he, the righteous one, did not deserve. What do you, a sinner, deserve?
St Augustine .
#trials #tribulations #followingourLordssteps #dailyreadings #copticorthodox #orthodoxy