“I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.” – John 10:9 . “The Lord explains that “…the sheep find safety and security. He uses the word ‘pasture’ to indicate his care, His provision of food and His power and authority over them. The sheep remain inside the sheepfold and no one can cast them out. This is what happened to the disciples for they entered and went out and became leaders to the whole world. We find that no one could cast them out.” – St. John Chrysostom #HeIsTheWay #Salvation #FindPasture #DailyReadings #Coptic #Orthodox
“I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.” – John 10:9
“The Lord explains that “…the sheep find safety and security. He uses the word ‘pasture’ to indicate his care, His provision of food and His power and authority over them. The sheep remain inside the sheepfold and no one can cast them out. This is what happened to the disciples for they entered and went out and became leaders to the whole world. We find that no one could cast them out.” – St. John Chrysostom
#HeIsTheWay #Salvation #FindPasture #DailyReadings #Coptic #Orthodox