“For this reason also Peter, carried back to the memory of his former sins, trembles and is afraid. As an impure man, he does not dare to receive the one who is pure. His fear was praiseworthy, because he had been taught by the law to distinguish between the holy and the profane.” ~ St. Cyril of Alexandria #worshipGodinFearAndTrembling #worshipGodinAweAndReverenve #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
“For this reason also Peter, carried back to the memory of his former sins, trembles and is afraid. As an impure man, he does not dare to receive the one who is pure. His fear was praiseworthy, because he had been taught by the law to distinguish between the holy and the profane.” ~ St. Cyril of Alexandria
#worshipGodinFearAndTrembling #worshipGodinAweAndReverenve #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox