“For since with a view to our instruction He both did and underwent all things; He endures also to be led up there, and to wrestle against the devil: in order that each of those who are baptized, if after his baptism he has to endure greater temptations may not be troubled as if the result were unexpected, but may continue to endure all nobly, as though it were happening in the natural course of things.” St John Chrysostom #Temptationonthemount #Lent #fasting #secondSunday #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox

“For since with a view to our instruction He both did and underwent all things; He endures also to be led up there, and to wrestle against the devil: in order that each of those who are baptized, if after his baptism he has to endure greater temptations may not be troubled as if the result were unexpected, but may continue to endure all nobly, as though it were happening in the natural course of things.” St John Chrysostom #Temptationonthemount #Lent #fasting #secondSunday #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox


“For since with a view to our instruction He both did and underwent all things; He endures also to be led up there, and to wrestle against the devil: in order that each of those who are baptized, if after his baptism he has to endure greater temptations may not be troubled as if the result were unexpected, but may continue to endure all nobly, as though it were happening in the natural course of things.”
St John Chrysostom
#Temptationonthemount #Lent #fasting #secondSunday #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox