“For faith indeed and hope, when the good things believed and hoped for have come, cease….How then is love the greater? In that those pass away. If now so great is the virtue of love, with good reason does St Paul add and say, Follow after love.” -St John Chrysostom #ChristIsRisen #TrulyHeIsRisen #HolyFifty #HolyPentecost #FaithHopeLove #LovrIsTheGreatest #GodIsLove #Coptic #Orthodox #DailyReadings #ChurchFathers
“For faith indeed and hope, when the good things believed and hoped for have come, cease….How then is love the greater? In that those pass away.
If now so great is the virtue of love, with good reason does St Paul add and say, Follow after love.” -St John Chrysostom
#ChristIsRisen #TrulyHeIsRisen #HolyFifty #HolyPentecost #FaithHopeLove #LovrIsTheGreatest #GodIsLove #Coptic #Orthodox #DailyReadings #ChurchFathers