“By these words, he proclaims in a very clear way, that to see is more exalted than to hear; The progress he gained through the pain and suffering, made him different from what he used to be; And by becoming able to behold the light of the truth by the inner eye; he is now able to discern more clearly, and to realize the darkness of his human nature!” St Gregory the Great #seeingGodintribulations #fasting #Lent #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
“By these words, he proclaims in a very clear way, that to see is more exalted than to hear; The progress he gained through the pain and suffering, made him different from what he used to be; And by becoming able to behold the light of the truth by the inner eye; he is now able to discern more clearly, and to realize the darkness of his human nature!”
St Gregory the Great
#seeingGodintribulations #fasting #Lent #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox