“By faith Enoch was taken up and did not taste death.” If he had not believed that the observation of the commandment could introduce him again to the place from which the house of Adam had come out because of the transgression, he would not have applied himself to please God for three hundred years. In fact, “without faith,” that is, if that person did not believe that the true God exists and “rewards those who seek him,” he would have never tried to please and seek Him.” – St Ephrem The Syrian #Pentecost #SeekHimDiligently #Coptic #Orthodox #DailyReadings #ChurchFathers
“By faith Enoch was taken up and did not taste death.” If he had not believed that the observation of the commandment could introduce him again to the place from which the house of Adam had come out because of the transgression, he would not have applied himself to please God for three hundred years. In fact, “without faith,” that is, if that person did not believe that the true God exists and “rewards those who seek him,” he would have never tried to please and seek Him.” – St Ephrem The Syrian
#Pentecost #SeekHimDiligently #Coptic #Orthodox #DailyReadings #ChurchFathers