Beloved, the end of all our paths is Christ: in Him we are made perfect, for our perfection is to come home to Him. Don’t seek for anything else. He is your end, to Him you are journeying, and when you have arrived there you will not seek further, for you can desire nothing better than to come home to Him. He has led us on, He himself being our way, and He brings us to Himself as to our home. We come through Christ to Christ, through the Word made flesh to the Word which in the beginning was God with God, for He says to us: I am the way and to Me you come. – St Augustine . . #dailyreadings #copticorthodox #orthodoxy #path #guide
Beloved, the end of all our paths is Christ: in Him we are made perfect, for our perfection is to come home to Him. Don’t seek for anything else. He is your end, to Him you are journeying, and when you have arrived there you will not seek further, for you can desire nothing better than to come home to Him.
He has led us on, He himself being our way, and He brings us to Himself as to our home. We come through Christ to Christ, through the Word made flesh to the Word which in the beginning was God with God, for He says to us: I am the way and to Me you come. – St Augustine
#dailyreadings #copticorthodox #orthodoxy #path #guide