“A man asked Abbot Antony, ‘What shall I keep, that I may please God?’ Antony said: “Wherever you go, have God ever before your eyes. In whatever you do, hold by the example of the Holy Scripture; and in whatever place you abide, don’t leave quickly. These three things keep, and you will be saved.” . . #feastofstanthony #hisprayersbewithusall #dailyreadings #copticorthodox #orthodoxy
“A man asked Abbot Antony, ‘What shall I keep, that I may please God?’ Antony said: “Wherever you go, have God ever before your eyes. In whatever you do, hold by the example of the Holy Scripture; and in whatever place you abide, don’t leave quickly. These three things keep, and you will be saved.”
#feastofstanthony #hisprayersbewithusall #dailyreadings #copticorthodox #orthodoxy