Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted- Matthew 5:4 . . The Lord Jesus Christ himself wept though He committed no sin at all. He wept for the sins of other people, and for the death and destruction caused them by committing such sins. The Lord Jesus Christ wept at Lazarus’ tomb when he heard that the people there and even Martha Lazarus’s sister said about man who was made in God’s image and in His likeness: that his odour had become bad!! (John 11). He wept when He saw the results of sin and how it separated man from God and exposed him to His wrath. There is a moving part in the midnight prayer which comments on the story of the sinner woman who wet the Lord’s feet with her tears (Luke 7:38). This part of the prayer says “My Lord, give me springs flooded with tears as those You had gave the sinner woman in the past.” We ask God for this demand every night… Every night, you yourself stand before God with a crushed heart and say “O, my Lord, give me springs flooded with tears to weep for my pride, my obstinacy, my passions and my anger. Give me a spring full of tears to weep for my love of the world, my hatred, my enmity and my love of victory over others. O my Lord, give me springs filled with tears to weep for the sins uttered by my tongue, the sins committed by my body and sins of thoughts which are without number.” -Pope Shenouda