
“That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life— the life was manifested” 1John 1:1,2 . “You hear Him with pure ears forgiving your sins, reconciling you with His Father, paying the price of reconciliation, His precious blood. You see Him searching for you as a good Shepherd and true Father. He goes by His own will to the cross and opens His side as a refuge for you, where you see His bowels inflamed with love for you. You see Him risen from the dead, ascending to the heavens, so your heart may rise with Him and settle with Him where He is sitting. You touch Him with His mother Virgin St. Mary, so you may long for Him, presenting yourself as a chaste virgin for Him, touching Him with Thomas confessing His divinity. You touch His feet and wash them with your tears like the adulterous woman, so He may bless you. He does not reject the touches of your hands nor belittles your tears but is very cautious to keep them as precious jewels for Him. For my sake and your sake, the Lord came incarnate so we may enjoy the life, which He has manifested for us.”Tertullian