Let us be undaunted in all our dangers. There is nothing dreadful to him that fears God; but all that is dreadful is for others. For when a man is delivered from his passions, and regards all present things as a shadow, say, from whom shall he suffer anything dreadful? Whom shall he have to fear? Whom shall he need plead to? Let us flee to this Rock which cannot be shaken. … What is more wonderful to say, the very things which are thought to cause discomfort, became matter of all joy and gladness. … For it is impossible, impossible in words to express how great pleasure falls to their lot, who suffer for Christ’s sake: for they rejoice in their sufferings, rather than in their good things – St. John Chrysostom . . #dailyreadings #copticorthodox #orthodoxy #praisehim in #thestorms #blessedarethosewhomourn
Let us be undaunted in all our dangers. There is nothing dreadful to him that fears God; but all that is dreadful is for others. For when a man is delivered from his passions, and regards all present things as a shadow, say, from whom shall he suffer anything dreadful? Whom shall he have to fear? Whom shall he need plead to? Let us flee to this Rock which cannot be shaken. … What is more wonderful to say, the very things which are thought to cause discomfort, became matter of all joy and gladness. … For it is impossible, impossible in words to express how great pleasure falls to their lot, who suffer for Christ’s sake: for they rejoice in their sufferings, rather than in their good things – St. John Chrysostom
#dailyreadings #copticorthodox #orthodoxy #praisehim in #thestorms #blessedarethosewhomourn