God did not create man to worship and glorify Him; for God does not need any glorification or worship from man. Before creating man, God was glorified and worshipped by the angels and even then He was not in need of being glorified by the angels. He is glorified by His own attributes. God lacks …
There are certain matters which man has no choice. A person has no choice regarding the country in which he was born, the people amidst whom he grew up, the parents who brought him into existence, the environment in which he was brought up and its impact on him, nor the way he was brought …
While divorce is on the rise in the world and among Christians, our Coptic Church follows the teachings of the Holy Bible considering a marriage to be everlasting “Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate” (Mt 19:6). Divorce should be strictly forbidden except when adultery is proven “And I say to you, …
His Grace Bishop Youssef: The Church does not openly say that drinking alcohol in itself is sinful but that the abuse of alcohol is. However the Church advocates complete abstinence from drinking because the possibility of abuse is usually very high. Your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Let us ask ourselves: are …
His Grace Bishop Moussa: The definition of ‘pre-marital’ differs. Pre-marital sex differs from pre-marital group friendships, in a pure Christian atmosphere. Have as many male and female friends inside the church in a holy, pure way, and through this type of relationship, and through prayer and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and the guidance …