Category: Resources

What is wrong with smoking?

His Grace Bishop Moussa: The young people are usually persuaded by their friends to start smoking, but out of deep …

Did God create dinosaurs? Did they really walk upon the earth? Can you explain why it was never mentioned in the Holy Bible?

His Grace Bishop Youssef: We know that dinosaurs existed. Therefore, yes! God had created them. The Holy Bible says “So …

Why is dancing wrong? God did not forbid dancing overtly in the Holy Bible. Many people danced (David, Miriam … Aaron’s sister…)

His Grace Bishop Youssef: To be a Christian is to imitate the Lord Jesus Christ and follow His footsteps. In …

I have a boyfriend whom I like to talk to on the phone. We do not have bad conversation we’re just friends. Is this sinful or bad behavior?

His Grace Bishop Youssef: I want you to ask yourself what do you mean, “We’re just friends”? What does this …