Category: Resources

The Lord said “Assuredly I say to you that there are some standing here who will not taste death till they see the kingdom of God present with power” (Mark 9:11). How could that be, and which kingdom did He mean?

First we should understand the meaning of the word kingdom. Apparently the person who asked the question had in mind the “Eternal Kingdom”, so he was puzzled about how some of the living at that time would live until they see the kingdom!!. Of course, here He did not mean the “Eternal Kingdom”. We should …

In the parable of the land owner who hired labourers for his vineyard (Matt. 20:1-40), he gave one denari to each labourer, the one who started from the beginning of the day like those who started at the eleventh hour. Will we all be equal in wages in the

Absolutely not, because it was said that “every one will be rewarded according to his deeds” (Matt. 16:27). The same statement was also mentioned in (Ps. 62:12 & Rom 2:5-7) and also the Lord Christ said “I am coming quickly,. and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work” (Rev. …

Does the Bible discourage the growing in knowledge and learning by saying “for in much wisdom is much grief?” (Eccl. 1:18).

The Bible meant the harmful knowledge that troubles man’s mind. There is information you gain, that might bring on you spiritual fights and lusts, which later on you regret having known it. There are readings and knowledge that might bring doubts and affect one’s faith. Other information, may affect one’s good feelings toward others, or …

When the disciples of the Lord Christ were going through the grain fields; they became hungry; so they began to pluck the corn to eat (Mark 2:23). Was this considered stealing because they plucked ears of corn belonging to someone else without his permiss

This was not a theft because the Law allowed it. In this respect the Book of Deuteronomy says ” When you come into your neighbour’s vineyard, you may eat your fill of grapes at your pleasure, but you shall not put any in your container . “When you come into your neighbour’ s standing grain, …

How did Christ that loves peace and is the prince of peace say ” Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. “For I have come to set a man against his father ” (Matt. 10:34- 35)?

He meant the sword that befell the believers (Christians) because of their faith. In fact the start of Christianity incited the sword of the Roman empire, the Jews and the pagan philosophers against the believers. The saying of the Lord “They will put you out of the synagogues; yes, the time is coming that whoever …