Do you want to learn the meaning of the virtue? God gives the following commandment to people: “Let none of you imagine evil against his brother in your heart,” and “Let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his neighbour.” Do you see? He doesn’t just say “forgive the evil of the other …
“The Baptist does not say: ‘The wrath of God will descend on him’ but rather ‘the wrath of God abides on him.’All those who have been born vulnerable to death are subject to the wrath of God. And what is the wrath of God other than the wrath first caused by Adam…from this genealogy the …
“The Lord’s promise to us that we would tread over all the power of the enemy is a promise full of power and comfort, which removes fear from the heart. The church so appreciates this divine promise, that it put it at the end of the thanksgiving prayer in order that we may mention it …
“The only honour which befits God is not in burning sacrifice, but by offering thanksgiving to Him through hymns and praises, because He created us.” -St. Yustinus The Martyr . #Sacrifice #PraiseHim #Thanksgiving #CopticOrthodox #coptic #orthodox #dailyreadings
Some virtues are partial and one struggles hard to attain them, but there are basic virtues which include various merits within them; that is the topic of our talk… Ahead of all these virtues is: Love. The Lord Jesus Christ said that all the Law and prophets are concerned with this virtue. St. Paul explained …