I will rejoice in hearing Thee, not in speaking against Thee. Thou hast sinned, why defendest thou thyself? Thou wilt speak: suffer thou; hear, yield to divine words, lest thou be put to confusion, and be still more wounded: sin hath been committed, be it not defended: to confession let it come, not to defence. …
“Christians have a glory and a beauty and a heavenly wealth which is beyond words, and it is won with pains, and sweat, and trials, and many conflicts, and all by the grace of God.” St Macarius the Great #deliverance #afflictions #ApostlesFast #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
For of what use is existence to the creature if it cannot know its Maker? – St Athanasius . . #Heisourlife #knowingGod #goodshepherd #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
Numerous are the waves, and great the tossing of the sea, but we have no fear of going down, for we stand upon a rock. Let the oceans rage as it will, it is powerless to break the rock. Let the waves roll, they cannot shrink the bark of Jesus- St John Chrysostom . . …
Read the divine Scriptures constantly. Never, indeed, let the sacred volume be out of your hand. Learn what you have to teach. Do not let your deeds contradict your words, lest when you speak in church someone may mentally reply, “Why do you not practice what you preach?”. He is a fine and dainty master …