Truly, the Holy Fifty Days (El-Khamasin) are days of joy, no fasting and no prostration, even on Wednesdays and Fridays… But we can also be spiritual during joy… Otherwise, how are you going to be spiritual in paradise, and the Kingdom of Heaven, where there is eternal joy?!… What you miss of fasting and prostration could …
Lots of people, in their spiritual life, fight on their own, without letting God in with them to ask Him strength and assistance, forgetting the Lord’s saying: ” for without Me you can do nothing” (Jn. 15:5). Those people, they don’t ask God to be with them in whatever they do. On the contrary each …
In remembering the style of our Fathers the Apostles in their service, we learn practical and ideal lessons in the spirit of service, of which we mention the following: 1. The Warmth of the Service: How nice is the saying of the Apostle Paul in this respect “who is made to stumble, and I do not …
Growth is a principal condition for successful spiritual ministry, and it may take various forms: increase in the number of ministers or those ministered to, growth in the type or character of ministry, or spiritual growth. Increase in number: A prominent example is the ministry of the Lord Christ and His holy apostles, for …
God’s children should be strong because they were created in His image and likeness (Genesis 1:26); and God is powerful. We say about Him “Holy is the Lord God Almighty”; therefore, they should be strong like Him. In the book of Numbers, when God ordered Moses to take a census of the people, this was …