Tag: wordofgod

If the word of God abides in the mind and in the heart, it grants power and victory over the evil one – H.H Pope Shenouda lll . . #coptic #orthodox #copticorthodoxy #dailyreadings #holy50 #wordofgod #comfort #hope

If the word of God abides in the mind and in the heart, it grants power and victory over the evil one – H.H Pope Shenouda lll . . #coptic #orthodox #copticorthodoxy #dailyreadings #holy50 #wordofgod #comfort #hope

“Let us consider all things secondary to hearing the Word of God” St John Chrysostom . . #holybible #wordofgod #quiettime #faith #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #orthodoxy

“Let us consider all things secondary to hearing the Word of God” St John Chrysostom . . #holybible #wordofgod #quiettime #faith #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #orthodoxy

“Lord as I read psalms let me hear You singing, as I read Your words let me hear You speaking. As I reflect on each page let me see Your image. And as I seek to put Your precepts into practice, let my heart be filled with joy.” St Gregory of Nazianzus #HolyBible #WordofGod #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox

“Lord as I read psalms let me hear You singing, as I read Your words let me hear You speaking. As I reflect on each page let me see Your image. And as I seek to put Your precepts into practice, let my heart be filled with joy.” St Gregory of Nazianzus #HolyBible #WordofGod #dailyreadings …

“The word ‘door’ in the Lord’s words “(those) who do not enter the sheepfold by the door” refers to the Holy Books. These are the doors that bring us to God. His Word opens to us the way to be acquainted with God, protecting us and preventing wolves to enter in. “ – St. John Chrysostom #enterbythedoor #WordofGod #bible #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox

“The word ‘door’ in the Lord’s words “(those) who do not enter the sheepfold by the door” refers to the Holy Books. These are the doors that bring us to God. His Word opens to us the way to be acquainted with God, protecting us and preventing wolves to enter in. “ – St. John …