“By Scripture we may disprove what is false, be corrected, be brought to a right understanding, and be comforted and consoled.” – St. John Chrysostom #Scripture #HolySpirit #Truth #Coptic #Orthodox #DailyReadings #ChurchFathers
‘The Lord Jesus Christ is everything: all the names are appropriate: He is everything that He proclaims.’- Origen the Scholar #orthodoxy #coptic #shepherd #truth #Hisword
“The whole of your life does not equate to a twinkling of an eye if compared to eternity which has no end. What is the whole of your life on earth but a preparation and readiness for that eternity, the life of immortality? It is for you then to be convinced of the importance of …
“Whoever has been called to eternal life ought to resemble the Incorruptible. For this reason, let our whole life be springtime; let the Truth within us never grow old.” – St. Clement of Alexandria #truth #burning #dailyreadings #coptic #copticorthodox
“The knowledge of Christianity and of the truth of things is independently manifest rather than in need of human teachers, for almost day by day it asserts itself by facts, and manifests itself brighter than the sun by the doctrine of Christ.” – St. Athanasius the Apostolic #truth #worship #dailyreading #coptic #orthodox