” When a man decides to build a house, he gathers many different materials for construction. So too must we acquire all virtues, if only to a small degree.” – St. John the Short #christianity #copticorthodox #coptic #dailyreading #lent #treasureinheaven
“If you have something above your daily needs, give it to the poor, and then go with boldness to offer your prayers, that is, to converse with God as a son with his Father. Nothing can bring the heart so near to God as almsgiving, and nothing brings such serenity to the mind as voluntary …
“For indeed He came to do away with the old things, and to call us to a greater country. Therefore He does all, to deliver us from things unnecessary, and from our affection for the earth…. For we were not born for this end, that we should eat and drink and be clothed, but that …