“God’s Commandments are higher than all the treasures of the earth. Whoever acquires them has received God within himself.” – St. Isaac the Syrian #transfiguration #fasting #prayer #wordofgod #dailyreading #bibleverse #coptic #copticorthodox #christianity
“Let us disappear so He can appear with His Blessed person.” – H.H. Pope Cyril (Kyrillos) VI #transfiguration #coptic #bible #copticorthodox #verseoftheday
“That is the mark of true believers: exalted splendour” – St. Augustine “For, in the splendour of high heavens, those shining with the life of righteousness, attach to Him, as do His clothes.” – St. Gregory the Great #HappyFeastoftheTransfiguration #transfiguration #whiteassnow #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
“and He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light.” – Matthew 17:2 . “Thus is the human nature in transfiguration: when it enters into the perpetual spiritual life, and in the spiritual pleasure which is the property of the sons of God.” – …