Tag: theotokos

‘And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord Thus ought the virgin, who brought forth meekness and humility itself, to show forth an example of the most profound humility.’ – St. Ambrose #coptic #orthodox #churchfathers #godislove #ukmidcopts #theotokos

‘And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord Thus ought the virgin, who brought forth meekness and humility itself, to show forth an example of the most profound humility.’ – St. Ambrose #coptic #orthodox #churchfathers #godislove #ukmidcopts #theotokos

What is greater than to see the invisible God in a visible man, His temple? – St Pachomius . . #theotokos #feastoftheassumptionofstmary #Christinher #Christinus #ourmother #ourexample #queen #dailyreadings #copticorthodox #orthodoxy #orthodox

What is greater than to see the invisible God in a visible man, His temple? – St Pachomius . . #theotokos #feastoftheassumptionofstmary #Christinher #Christinus #ourmother #ourexample #queen #dailyreadings #copticorthodox #orthodoxy #orthodox

O Christ, through the prayers of the Virgin, Thy Temple, make me a temple of the Creator Spirit – St Mary of Egypt . . #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodoxy #orthodox #fastofstmary #theotokos

O Christ, through the prayers of the Virgin, Thy Temple, make me a temple of the Creator Spirit – St Mary of Egypt . . #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodoxy #orthodox #fastofstmary #theotokos