“Keep the psalms in your heart, and the psalms will keep you” – H.H. Pope Shenouda III #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #psalms #rejoice #thanksgiving
“’Making melody to the Lord’ means paying attention while you are singing. It means not letting your mind drift. Those who in singing do not offer this deep attention to God are merely mouthing psalms, uttering words, while their hearts are preoccupied elsewhere.” -Saint John Chrysostom #coptic #orthodox #copticorthodox #dailyreading #psalms #melody #music #thanksgiving
He does not need anything of ours, but we stand in need of all things from Him. In point of fact, thanksgiving adds nothing to Him, but it brings us closer to Him. For if, when we recall the benefactions of men, we are the more warmed by affection for them; much more, when we …
“This bread which Jesus breaks is truly the mystical Word of God and a discourse about Christ which is increased while it is distributed. From a few discourses, he ministered abundant nourishment to all peoples. He gave discourses to us like loaves that are doubled when they are poured forth from our mouths. That bread …