“God has shown how close He is to those who are willing to endure trials for His sake, and who do not abandon virtue out of cowardice because of the suffering involved.” – St. Peter of Damaskos #copticorthodox #orthodox #dailyreading #suffering #sight #faith
“Whenever in your path you find unchanging peace, beware: you are very far from the divine paths trodden by the weary feet of the saints. For as long as you are journeying in the way to the city of the Kingdom and are drawing nigh the city of God, this will be a sign for …
He was silent, and quietly endured everything… to teach us all meekness and long suffering. Let us now imitate Him. – St John Chrysostom . . #suffering #endurance #longsuffering #patienceintribulation #dailyreadings #copticorthodox #orthodoxy of
“For He is my hope; He is my boast; He is my never-failing riches, on whose account I bear about with me these bonds from Syria to Rome, these spiritual jewels, in which may I be perfected through your prayers, and become a partaker of the sufferings of Christ, and have fellowship with Him in …